Monday, May 10, 2010

Lists, lists, lists

So I just found out that I DON'T have work tomorrow- so that leaves me some time to blog!! And since I get upset every time I try to post pictures, I will not attempt-sorry :(

So I love lists- it's how I function every day- and as I think about things I organize them into lists and thought I would share some.

Things that Amaze me:
how we can send messages into space and they end up on someone else s phone or computer almost instantly
cars- they are just these things that run and carry us places
how people become grumpy
how we all just follow rules

Things that I love and keep me happy
ice cream
The ability to talk to Heavenly Father
New pictures of little Calvin (Danielle asked me "is Calvin his middle name?")
The ability to be happy

The lists go on and on so I will them stop there.

Op- and for those that haven't, GO SEE IRON MAN 2- right now.